Blog – Tagged "News" – Jackson & Young

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The highs and lows of markets

We’ve reached the end of our run of summer markets, packed up the marquee tent and tucked it away until the winter markets roll around, and it’s made us reflect on both the highs and the lows of market life

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18 months of Jackson & Young.

Wahoo! Welcome to our second ever blog! Neither Corinne or myself are natural writers and always place said tasks under the 'think-about-it-later' “admin” category. However, I have vowed (and been pestered endlessly by my web designer husband) to write a blog and what easier thing to talk about than my life for the past year and a half. As this is our first (proper) post I will give you a brief summary of the time gone by. After so much talking in December 2016, Corinne and I officially founded Jackson & Young Ltd. One of the best parts of all was actually finding each other in the first place; we are so so lucky in that respect as we have...

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A gallery and an eCommerce store!

...aaaand it's live! Our brand new website ( is up and ready for action! Order your own artwork on our finest quality papers or choose one of our own prints for your wall! A massive thanks to Bideford based Roots Creative for making it happen - best marketing company in North Devon in our opinion! Not only can you take a good close look at our artwork from the comfort of your own home, you can order prints for yourself, your family or friends at a size of your choosing on a paper stock of your choice! Postage should be calculated for your based on the weight of the stock and the number and size of the prints you require and...

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